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Discover World

Discover World
Discover the world right in your own backyard!
Discover the World Right in Your Own Backyard!

This interactive science center takes visitors on a scientific journey through the past, present and future. Travel back in time from the beginning of Earth to the last Ice Age at the Natural History Island. Here you will see authentic fossils and artifacts that help explain the timeline of our history. Visit our rescue animal friends at Ecology Island, and capture your shadow in Fascination Station!

Alice the Allosaurus welcomes you to the past at the Natural History Island.  As you explore the area you can participate in a simulated fossil dig, revealing evidence of Paleolithic life during the last Ice Age.  A focal point of the Natural History Island is an authentic mastodon skeleton, whose fossilized remains were discovered in Canton during excavation for an apartment building.

Paleo-Indians called Nobles Pond in Jackson Township home around 11,000 years ago.  This replica of a Paleo-Indian hut was recreated from information gathered around Nobles Pond. You can find artifacts from the excavation in Natural History Island.

The sprawling branches of a white oak tree envelope Ecology Island.  Water trickles down the rocks and feeds the ponds, alive with fish and turtles.  Within Ecology Island visitors can take a closer look at life both on land and in the water, and can learn how ecosystems work and why they are so important to the balance of nature. Here you will meet our rescue animals native and non-native, that call Ecology Island home.

Inside Fascination Station you will discover hands-on physical science activities for the young and young at heart.  Capture your shadow, experience the power of electricity and discover the properties of light and magnetism.  There is something for everyone in Fascination!

There is something for every interest represented in Discover World. Kids and adults alike can enjoy the interactive experiences of learning with our displays.