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Hoover Price Planetarium

Hoover Price Planetarium
Travel to Outer Space Without Ever Leaving the Ground!
Travel to outer space without leaving the ground!

That is how you’ll feel after you experience the museum’s 65-seat Hoover Price Planetarium. The Planetarium’s primary projector is a Spitz A3P that displays thousands of stars in the correct color and brightness. The Spitz is unique because the original star projector, showing 1700 stars, was modified to include an additional 1500 stars. In 2019, the original star projector lamp was replaced by an LED lamp resulting in a spectacular replication of the night sky and Milky Way.

Dozens of special effect projectors show the aurora, meteor showers, clouds, panoramic view of downtown and constellation pictures. The operation of the planetarium is entirely manual, controlled by over 200 switches, allowing the presenters to constantly interact with audiences. Computer-generated programs allow presenters to share the latest night-sky highlights and up-to-date images and videos from space exploration.

The planetarium was established in 1963 and was named after the two families who made the project possible, the Hoover family and company and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Price. The Junior League of Canton donated the dome and several projectors.

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